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Jewish Content at 2023 Festivals

25/01/2023 06:00:12 PM


Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky


Rabbi Shoshana's Not-quite-complete guide to Jewish content at the festivals


Adelaide Festival

Nagapa William Cooper

"Nigel Westlake and Lior unite again for Ngapa William Cooper, a moving new piece composed and written by Westlake and Lior with creative input by Dr Lou Bennett AM and Sarah Gory. The work focusses on the story of revered Yorta Yorta Elder William Cooper, an early activist for First Nations’ rights and leader of a protest against Nazi atrocities. Vocalists Lior and Lou Bennett are joined by the Australian String Quartet, Kees Boersma, Rebecca Lagos and Andrea Lam to perform this much-anticipated world premiere."

Adelaide Writer's Week

Beloved cookbook author Claudia Roden will be speaking!

Other featured authors include Shalom Auslander, John Boyne, Josh Cohen, Joshua Cohen (not the same person!), Lara Feigel, Laura Kipnis and Bruce Shapiro

Adelaide Fringe

Run, by Stephen Laughton

"Yonni is a seventeen-year-old gay Jewish kid. His devoutly religious family is preparing for the weekly shabbat, but he can think only about his schoolmate, Adam, with whom he is infatuated. 

As the evening’s events unfold - some of them real, some of them imagined - a deeply personal story about first love and infatuation expands to interrogate the difficult intersection of religion and queerness and what it means to love, to lose, to rebel and to grieve."

Michael Shafar, comedian--

Well worth the chemo:

The MILF Next Door, with comedian Marilyn Leder

Dropped In It, comedy improve

Includes our own community member Paul Gordon!

Escape CS Harbinger--Escape Room experience

Created by community member Nadav Nansel


Fri, 14 February 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785